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Sustainable South Jersey Grant Application
Primary Contact Name
Team Members (include links to LinkedIn profiles)
1. Organization background – When was your organization created? What is its mission or purpose, and what are some of your successes? If you are an individual, please give us your personal background and explain what makes you qualified to take on this proposed project. (250 words or less)
2. What’s the problem? – Help us understand the sustainability-related issue your proposed project will address. (500 words of less)
3. What’s your solution to this problem? - How will you use Sustainable South Jersey mini-grant funds to solve the problem above? (750 words or less)
4. Connection to Sustainability – Explain which of our funding priorities connect to your project. How will your proposed activity further sustainability in South Jersey? (500 words or less)
5. Measurable Outcomes - These are accomplishments you can measure and commit to achieving. Examples include but are not limited to: # of events held, # people engaged, quantities of vegetables grown, % of carbon footprint reduced. (750 words for less)
6. Project Methods and Timeline - Explain how you will accomplish the goals of your project and how long it will take you to do so. Disbursement of funds will be determined based on your timeline. Reminder: projects must be completed in 12 months or less from the date of grant award. (500 words or less)
7. Funding Request / Budget – How will you use Sustainable South Jersey funds? Please include a line item budget. If your project has other committed funding sources, please include the total project budget/sources. (250 words of less)
8. Please attach a single PDF of any pictures, sketches, budgets or articles (if desired).