Sustainable Jersey ran an EV (Electric Vehicle) webinar “Opportunities for Adopting EVs in Municipal Fleets: A Primer” that gave a good overview of using non-combustion (primarily electric) fleet vehicles. Much of the information applies to both personal and fleet vehicles.
EV Smart Fleets has a free fleet procurement tool (a fancy EXCEL sheet) that can help anyone compare operating costs and emissions from different vehicles. The tool has information from many cars preloaded, so you can easily compare various cars (combustion and electric). The tool gives easy to understand comparisons of operating costs and pollution.
For similar sized vehicles, electric vehicles are currently slightly more expensive per mile (EVs have higher up-front costs but lower operating costs). However, EVs qualify for a $7,500 federal tax credit and no NJ sales tax. Tax exempt municipalities can use accounting techniques (such as leasing) to gain these benefits.
For similar sized vehicles, electric vehicles create 50% less pollution to run today. That calculation is based on current electric power plants (i.e., much power is generated by fossil fuels). As our grids get more energy from renewable sources, the EVs will become even cleaner.
Battery prices (which make up half of vehicle costs) continue to drop and are expected to keep dropping through 2030. In a few years, EVs will cost less than combustion engines since they have fewer moving parts.
Municipalities can help promote EV use by updating building ordinances to make charging stations easier to install. If your town is pursuing Sustainable Jersey certification, actions and points available.
A couple of side notes:
ChargEVC is having a free seminar New Jersey’s Energy Future: Electric Vehicles on Thur Dec 14th 8am-10am. Details available here.
I just bought an EV (Chevy Bolt) and love never having to wait at a gas station again!